I am thinking... that I am tired. Today has been harder than others, but still not horribly bad.
I am thankful for... my husband. He took care of the kids while I got things finished in the kitchen. It was a disaster area!
From the kitchen... I made some chocolate chip cookies for a friend who is stuck at home on bed rest and some chocolate peanut butter swirled muffins (chocolate for breakfast anyone?). I promise I will be posting this recipe soon. . . it is amazing!
I am wearing...sweats and a sweatshirt. . . all for comfy these days.
Around the house...I am trying to get it clean. . . it's spring. . . and I am itching to clean, and struggling to find the time between being a mom, but it will happen, even if it takes a month (or two!) instead of a week.
One of my favorite things...our family room. My husband has been working really hard to get redone. This past weekend, he painted and he, along with his bro and cousin, laid the new laminate flooring. I love it! The room is so much brighter and inviting. Now for the trim and base boards.
A few plans for the rest of the week: grocery shop, finish Weston's blanket (it's almost done!), and hang out with my family. This weekend is Big Hat Days in Clovis, and we plan on partaking in some festivities Saturday morning.