Thursday, August 25, 2016

Connection Time

My kids went back to school last week and well. . . things are a little bit different around here.  BOTH kids are gone during the day.  Last week was so busy, I really didn't get a chance to enjoy the quiet of the house, but this week I am soaking it in.  I'm trying to find my groove. . . which is kind of why blogging just hasn't been a priority.   I am enjoying the quiet.  My house is almost recovered from summer vacation and I am exhausted.  It's exhausting!

So, here's what's going on around here. 

Outside my window it's dark, but earlier we had a most glorious sunset.  They've been absolutely amazing (thanks to the large amounts of smoke in the air due to the amount of fires that are raging around here).  You can see the reds, pinks, and oranges streaming into our livingroom as we are getting the kids ready for bed and I just swoon.  Ethan has been noticing them too, which makes my heart happy. 

I am thinking that I miss sleeping in.  That's one thing I miss about summer.  But, really I just want cooler temperatures.  Soon.  I keep telling myself. 

From the kitchen  I made my first Sourdough bread boule yesterday and it was worth every day of stinky, smelly starter making.  I am so excited to make more sourdough bread.  soon.  very soon.  I've been doing a lot of prepping stuff for easy breakfasts for the kids and I think tomorrow I will make some cookies.  You know. . . to get us through the week!

I am wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt.  When I am home and cleaning, I really can't justify wearing "real" clothes because I am just getting dirty.  And really, these are just so comfortable! 

I am creating mostly food stuff right now.  But, I am craving my sewing machine.  I've also been making a lot of cards, and purging my craft supplies.  Operation office/craftroom redo will be underway soon! 

I am reading Simply Tuesday, by Emily Freeman.  So far it's sooo good. It's really challenging me to not get lost in the hustle of the everyday and to enjoy the ordinary.  Right now, I am adjusting to a new ordinary as I move into a new phase of life.  It's exciting and quiet and crazy. 

 I am hearing not a lot, because my house is quiet.  But my soul is hearing "don't hustle" and just enjoying this new ordinary with both kids at school.  I have also been listening to the Jamie Ivey podcast and the Christ Centered Mom podcast. . . both great! 

Around the House I have almost recovered from summer.  There are still piles lingering, which is bugging me.  I will probably attack those tomorrow.  I really want to do something creative today, so I plan on taking time for that. 

One of my favorite things is my pillow.  I've been exhausted.  But, also my fitbit. . . all this walking back and forth from school and going on runs has really increased my steps.  I like it!
A few plans for the week We are really just taking it slow.  Weston is on  his second week of school and he is just exhausted.  We all are!  So, mostly just making our new routine a habit and resting.  I think this weekend, we will watch tv and just relax.  hmmm. . . now to see if that's they way it works.

If you would like to join in the fun, fill out our own in the comments or on my facebook page and let's connect!  

Outside my window
I am thinking
From the kitchen
I am wearing
I am creating
I am going
I am reading
I am hoping
I am hearing
Around the House
One of my favorite things
A few plans for the week
What I am listening to

Monday, August 08, 2016

Back to school tips

Today marks one week exactly until my kids start school.  KIDS.  People.  Friends.  This is BIG.  BOTH by boys will be in school this year.   Weston has told everyone this summer he is going to be in kindergarten.  EVERYONE.  It's the first thing he tells people when he sees them.  Ethan will be a second grader and only has one wish. . . that he gets to be in his BFF's class.  He's so cute!

One week from today, I am going to go walk through Target, with a cinnamon dolce latte, by myself.  There might be a happy dance.  I don't know.  I am ready.

So, with one week left of vacation, it's time to get ready.  Here are some of my favorite tips for making school days easier.

1.  Make a morning checklist.
I make one on my computer and laminate it and give each kid a dry erase marker.  It has pictures on it, so Weston who isn't quite reading yet, knows what he has to have done before we walk out the door.  I keep it simple with the basics.

2.  Get as much done the night before.
I like to get lunches made the night before and have it sitting in the fridge where they can grab it and stick it in their lunch boxes.  We always keep their ice packs in the same place in the freezer so they can grab those on their own, too.  Clothes are also set out the night before so they can get dressed as soon as they wake up.  This year, we are going to try having backpacks packed by the door ready for school the next morning.

3.  Create a homework station. 
At our house, homework is done after quiet time and before dinner.  We do it at the kitchen table, so I can help them and work on dinner at the same time.  We have a cart where we keep crayons, pencils, highlighters, scissors, and glue.  Pretty much everything they need for homework is right there so we don't have to spend 20 minutes finding things to do our homework with.

4.  My favorite thing we do each morning before walking the kids to their lines is pray.  A few years ago, I heard Priscilla Shrier talk about how she prayed and quoted scripture to her boys empowering them to be young boys of God.   Sometimes I forget and the kids remind me.

I guess I don't have too many tips, but that is how we get through the day.  Either that, or I am distracted by the Olympics (let's be honest. . . who isn't?).

Here are also some other posts that might help you out:

Lunch time inspiration

A gift for the teacher (Free printable)

Routine check list

Why we send our kids to public school

 I hope you have a wonderful first day of school (whenever your kids start).  Do you have any helpful hints?  Feel free to post them in the comments or on my facebook page. 


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