I know I have mentioned that fall is my favorite time of year, but this year was no exception. This year was the first year the kids didn't get overheated from their costumes and barely made it inside before it started pouring. Let me just say, that the rain was a huge blessing and I don't think any kid that came trick-or-treating really minded. . . mine sure didn't.

Recently, Weston has been really into the cape I made him last year for Christmas. I actually don't think I ever got them blogged about (oops!). I found
these super cute panels on
Fabricworm's website and instantly fell in love. Weston actually could've cared less about his until a few month ago. Now, he runs around the house all crazy like shouting "super boy" and it is probably just the cutest thing. ever! So, for Halloween, I just finished the rest of pieces of the panel to complete his costume. He loved it!
We borrowed Ethan's costume,
because he's going to be a Jedi. We even surprised him with a lightsabor to complete his costume! I seriously love this cuteness! Oh, and we couldn't find Ethan's pumpkin candy bag, so he ended up using his Easter basket. I think I might have been the only one really bothered by this.
Happy Candy Overload week!
Thank you so much!