Friday, November 13, 2020

Connection Time {Nov 2020}

Happy Fall!  

I know that it's been fall since September and here we are in November, but it's finally starting to feel like Fall and I am here for it!  I've even had to put on socks to keep my feet warm (I don't wear socks normally. . . is that weird?).  The colors are slowly making their quite transformation from green and lively to a painted masterpiece of red, brown, and yellow.  I find myself slowing down and soaking in the few weeks of painted leaves before they all fall to the ground.  It is definitely my favorite part of the year.  

We've been taking advantage of the cooler temps that have suddenly made an appearance.  We've been making sure we fill our time with adventure and for me, projects. . . because in this season, they are giving me a lot of purpose.  I'll be honest with you, last spring was incredibly hard.  Looking back to those first few months of the pandemic, I see so many great things, yet at the time, I was left feeling trapped and discouraged.  If you are familiar with the enneagram. . . I am a 7 and that's pretty much how most 7's probably felt.  This summer, we made a hopeful plan to do something adventurous at least once a month.  We've been pretty good about it and it has helped my type 7 heart immensly.

I have continued sneaking away for a few minutes to grab some coffee at my favorite coffee shop each week and have several projects in the works.    I will confess that I keep forgetting that my birthday is coming up.  I am not sure if it has anything to do with the pandemic or not, but this year, I really am not feeling it.  All my normal ways of celebrating are not going to happen and the kids will be busy doing school work, so if you have any ideas. . . send them my way.  I am in need of some inspiration.   

Things look so different this year and it is so easy to get discouraged.  Let's take advantage of this time to slow down from business  (I'm sure that I'm not the only one who struggles with this!) and count our gifts daily.  Let's use this time to finish something we've started or even try something new, go on a new adventure or embrace rest as we finish out this weird year.  

Now it's time for the part of my connection time post that we all just all join in and share a bit.  Go grab a cup of coffee or a hot cocoa and join in on the fun.  I am a huge fan of sitting down and connecting with friends over a cup of coffee. . . it is by far one of my favorite things to do!  

First, I'll take a second and fill in the prompts and then your turn.  Feel free to pick on or two or all of them and add yours the comments below or over on instagram or on the Out of the Right Brain Facebook page.  Whatever you feel comfortable with.  I love to hear from you and I love celebrating your comments.  

Here it goes . . . Let's start chatting! 

Outside my window. . . it's dark.  The only think I dislike about this time of the year are the shorter days.  I do however look forward to enjoying the Christmas lights and evening movies with hot cocoa! (A little secret: we enjoyed a movie and hot cocoa tonight!)

I am thinking that I should get the kids headed to take showers soon.  The time has come that they need to get ready for bed.  Then, I can start watching my show. . . I am working my way through the John Adams mini series. 

From the kitchen
my new KitchenAid mixer came today!  Mine was wearing down and well. . . when I made bread the bowl didn't stay in and that almost ended in disaster a few times.  I hope to get to try it out tomorrow. . . I really have a hankering for some chocolate chip cookies. . . and maybe next week some sourdough bread! 

I am wearing yoga pants and a zip up sweatshirt.  I tend to be most productive when I am comfortable.  I am on the hunt for some joggers though. . . I think I need to expand my cozy wardrobe! 

I am creating
lots!  I have raided Hobby Lobby a few times in the last week and am ready to start working on some Christmas projects.  I am also in the process of quilting a baby blanket, and finishing up a quilt top I started several years ago.  

I am going nowhere right now.  But, we are definitly enjoying our little adventures here and there.  Everyone had Wednesday off so we grabbed our bikes and road to our favorite coffee shop.  Round trip it was a little over 10 miles, but it was so much fun!  I really love having older kids right now.  

I am reading
so many things right now.  A few weeks ago, I read Jenna Bush's recent memoir (I'll link it at the bottom) and it was soo good! I read it over one weekend.  I laughed.  I cried.  It was just wonderful1  I am also working on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and finishing up some other books I have started.  

I am hoping to do some baking and sewing this weekend.  There isn't a lot happening and I am excited!  

I am hearing
my kids talk about minecraft things and watching a movie while I type away.  I love the friendship that is blossoming between these two brothers!  

Around the House there are unfinished projects, empty boxes, scattered pillows, and books set down from reading.  he other day I changed around the front room and I realized how much the kids love the coziness of this set up!  In a few weeks the Christmas Tree and twinkle lights will be added and I think there will be a lot of book reading in this space! Our back room project is wrapping up and it's time for me to start styling the shelves.  I am currently shopping my house and doing a little actual shopping.  When it's done, I will reveal, but make sure to check instagram for updates!

One of my favorite things
is being able to grocery shop and have them delivered to my door stop.  It is definitly one of my new favorite things that has come from this Covid situation.  It is also one that I don't think will stop.  I didn't realized how much time I was wasting going from store to store!

A few plans for the weekend:
go to the movies, play outside, read a book, and work on some sewing.  It's going to be wonderful! Last weekend we went to visit one of the prettiest beaches. . . Capitola!  It was so much fun, but I think I am looking forward to a quiet weekend.

What I am listening to
is if the kids have their way, we'd listen to Hamilton 24-7, but I've been enjoying the new Leslie Odin Jr. Christmas album and the She Reads Truth podcast. 

Now, it's your turn!  Grab your coffee and let's connect! You don't have to do them all! I can't wait to hear from you! You can even private message me if you don't want to make it public.  

Outside my window
I am thinking
From the kitchen
I am wearing
I am creating
I am going
I am reading
I am hoping
I am hearing
Around the House
One of my favorite things
A few plans for the week
What I am listening to 

I can't wait to hear from you! 


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