Tuesday, September 07, 2021

The blog is back!

Hello September. Hello blog friends. 

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve sat down to even write a blog post. I pretty sure if you scroll down, the next post was posted back in February and I left you all hanging on what happened next on our Washington D.C. adventure. I am so sorry. Like everyone, this past year has not been what we expected. As 2021 began, my kids were still in distance learning mode and their schedules changed when we came back from Christmas. Then, later in the Spring, they changed some more as they were able to go back twice a week in small cohorts (it wasn’t ideal, but they had so much fun being back on campus, it made it worth it!). Needless to say, there was a lot of pivoting and adjusting that something had to give, and the blog was the thing that I had to say goodbye too. . . for a little bit. 

Summer started and Covid seemed to be on the decline, and we lived a very adventurous summer that seemed to fly by at record speed. The kids have been in school for a few weeks, and we have adjusted to rising much earlier than we have been (Covid spoiled this night owl mom!) and so much driving! Also, I have a 7th grader and I am just not sure how the heck that happened. Send coffee or wine. 

Now things are once again, looking kind of scary out there, my kids are in school and now I have time to write and create and it feels soooo good! Over the last year and a half, I really spent some time just thinking and doing some of the things that were life giving to me. The first few months of the pandemic were hard because we didn’t know a whole lot about the virus and there were a lot of restrictions. I don’t think I had ever stayed home that much! I realized that I needed to get out and exercise each day and sit down and create something as often as possible. And then, once we knew more about the virus, we were able to do some day trips and even a road trip to Wyoming, in a safe way. I also realized just how much we need people. I consistently kept leading Bible studies, whether online or in my front yard so that women could connect and not lose site of the God that has them and is not surprised when the world goes bonkers. 

This pandemic has taught me so much. Let’s be honest, the next few months kind of look scary. The pandemic is picking up speed with different variants and once again, we are feeling anxiety rush in. I hope that this blog will be a source of encouragement and a source of inspiration for you. I started this blog to help moms find creativity while we juggle all.the.things because I think it’s important and I firmly believe that God created us to create. . . each with our own giftings and insecurities. I also think that act of creating something whether it is baking a quick batch of muffins or sewing a blanket is something that satisfies and brings joy. 

Over the next few months, I will be writing notes of encouragement as well as creating new things. We might try a Pin from Pinterest, and it might fail, but we’re going to try. I hope you stick around and share this space with your friends. Finally, dear reader friend, I am praying for each one of you. I don’t know your situation, but I know that you took the time to read my blog. Thank you for being here!

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