Friday, September 10, 2021

Cookies and Cream Rice Krispy Treats

Four day weeks are hard.  I really am not even sure what day is. . . someone please tell me it's Friday???  Maybe it's having kids at different schools with different schedules or just the fact that one is in junior high and has so.many.things.  All I know is that I am tired. . . maybe part of it is that we have been at home living our best homebody life for the past year that suddenly being incredibly busy is hard? 

Since we are jumping back on here with some regular writing posts, I want to be honest with you.  I am a mom. . . and in the middle of creating wonderful things or attempting to create something new, I am also juggling the duties of kids and life.  Let's be honest.  It's hard work and sometimes a bit overwhelming.  

Yesterday my oldest ran his first cross country meet. . . ever!  It was not his fall sport of choice, but he wanted to do something and this was it!  He jumped in, went to his first ever practice on Tuesday and ran his first race on Wednesday.  Two miles in triple digit heat was definitely not easy.  I was so proud of him!  He didn't quit and he ran and walked when he had to and finished strong.  I asked him if he had regrets about joining the team and he replied with an excited, "Nope!" Sometimes it feels like we're running a race in triple digit heat and we just can't catch up.  Our jobs, our commitments, our family, the carpool, homework, meals all call out to us and our planners may feel full.   But, there are moments of joy sprinkled in between it all.  Ethan loves cross country because for the most part it is fun.  He gets to hang out and build relationships with his new friends while he's running and when they are hanging out.  I need to remember that life, a lot like running a race, might feel hard and exhausting, but there are glimmers of joy and delight sprinkled in between the things that are wearing me down.  

This weekend, I am looking forward to quiet.  Maybe even time for something delicious, like these Rice Krispy Treats.  Rice Krispy Treats are my favorite things to make when I'm in a hurry or it's really hot and I don't feel like turning on the oven.  I've made these particular treats twice now and it's safe to say we might have a problem. . . they are so good!  

Before I go further, I should ex plain the black specks?  What the heck are they?  Chia seeds? nope.  Poppy seeds? nope.  Mouse poop?  Definitely not!  Rice Krispy Cereal came out with a special Cookies and Cream cereal that is both soy and dairy free (hard to find cookies and cream flavored things to fit both of these!) and so we jumped at the chance to try them. . . and it was worth it!  Now I need to go buy a couple of boxes to keep on hand because I really don't know how long they will last. I found them at our local Target.  

If you are reading this post-2021 and can't find the cereal, I recommend just cutting up some oreos (they won't be soy free) very small pieces and sprinkling the crumbs in with your cereal.  

Instead of using regular butter, I made some brown butter before adding my marshmallows.  Well worth the extra step!  The combination of brown butter and cookies and cream is absolutely divine!  These might just be the best rice krispy treats ever! 

So, this weekend, make up a batch of these for you and your family (If you are willing to share), pop some popcorn (maybe add some m&m's) and declare it a movie night.  I think the new Peter Rabbit is out (Weston said it was super funny!) and that new Cinderella movie (Amazon) is out!  

Let me know if you make so up. . . tag me, @jolieklassen on instagram or facebook 

or use #outoftherightbrainblog . . . or even both! 

 Cookies and Cream Rice Krispy Treats


1/2 cup of butter

1 bag of marshmallows (I am team Kraft jet puffed)

6 cups Cookies and Cream Rice Krispy Cereal


:: In a large pot, melt butter until it starts getting brown and starts smelling nutty.  You will probably need to swirl the pot a bit to keep it from burning.  Watch carefully so that you don't burn it. 

:: Grease a 11x9inch pan. 

:: Once, butter is browned, add marshmallows.  Stir until mostly melted.  

:: Turn off heat and add cereal.  Stir gently until all mixed up.  Pour into greased pan.  Spray a little bit of oil or butter on to fingers and rub them around.  Press cereal down carefully, it will be hot. 

:: set aside and allow to cool. . . 15-30 minutes.  Dig in!

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