I have always struggled with good, quality time with God. I need a good, intriguing book to keep my attention because I am constantly distracted by the many, many thoughts that flood my mind throughout the day. It something I cannot live without, because I feel empty without it. Without immersing myself in God's word, I find myself prone to fighting my temper and tongue. It is so much easier to control my sinful tendencies, when I am immersed in God's Word.
I also struggle with finding a good time to spend with God. I am not a morning person, yet I accomplish more first thing in the morning - things my brain doesn't have to think on (like vacuuming, laundry, dishes, runs). I know there is a school of thought that says quiet times are best spent in the morning, but I believe God created us each with different personalities; therefore making my personality more of a night thinker. I love to get all ready for bed, crawl under my covers and dig into the Bible and journal. It is just so peaceful and many times it is my favorite time of the day. Plus, when Jon crawls into bed I can share my thoughts with him, making some good quality discussion time with my husband.
When I was in college, I fell in love with Elizabeth George Bible Studies (as well as her books). They were perfectly divided into short, daily studies that dug deep and didn't graze the surface. I grew so much, by those Bible Studies alone. Unfortunately, I have done them all. So, I recently went on a search for a new study. I found this study (and others like it) that is just awesome!

It is broken up into 5 day studies that really make you think. I can also tell you that it brought many revelations to my mind from passages that I have read hundred of time. It really makes you think. If you do each day, it should only take about 20 minutes, which is nothing, compared to many others. I split each day in half, so that I can have some good journaling time. I loved it so much that I told my friend Steph about it and she fell in love with it for the very same reasons I did! Then, we were discussing it, we thought that some of this stuff the guys in our small group with like, too! So, last week we started leading our small group (we have 5 couples in our group) through this. . . but taking out the super feminine questions. For the first time in a long time, our group has had 1.5 hours of relevant discussion related to the topic (we should get an award for the small group that goes off on the most tangents).
So, the point of my post. . . is that I hope and pray that you have a wonderful quiet time scheduled into your day today. If you don't or have no idea what I am talking about, I just pray that you will find a Bible somewhere and start reading it. . . it is so amazing and full of adventure, romance, deceit, and celebration.
Have a great day everyone! Let God quench your thirst today!
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