Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Let's get real. {for the mommies}

There are days, like today, where I just feel the strong desire to turn off everything.  The more that is required of me, taken from me, or needed from me, the more I need this.  I turn off my cell phone, I send my kids to quiet time, I find some sort of yummy drink, usually caffeinated, and I sit. Sometimes, my mother-in-law comes, and I run away to Starbucks with Bible and journal in tow.
  I bask in the occasional silence (because let's face it. . . my kids don't nap, and they still need me to help them with some sort of lego creation or something), I pray, and I open my Bible.  I read.  I listen.  I study.

I linked you to this post on Monday.  It was a good read.  So, honest and true.  Satan has a goal to destroy the family.  Let me be honest, he's doing a darn good job of it and it makes me sad angry.  We need to do every possible thing to fight off this.  I think one of his easiest targets is us, moms.  We are tired, worn, tugged in every possible direction, and he uses that for his benefit. 

But, I think he tries to steal our motherhood in another way.  One that wasn't even addressed in the article that I shared.  One that guards our hearts and destroys Satan's darts of shame, embarrassment, anger, and inferiority.  And, that my friends, is regular, scheduled time with God. 

I know.  Right now, you are reading this and you are tired.  Go to the One who gives you rest.

It feels as if the life is being sucked out of you as we speak.  Friend, go to the One who breaths life.

Are you feeling sad, depressed, walking through the mundane?  Go to the One who gives Joy and encouragement.

Are you wrestling with something?  Go to the One who gives wisdom and discernment.

Honestly, it makes us better moms.

One of the best decisions I ever made was to go to women's Bible Study.  Part of me didn't want to go.  But, I went. I went even though it disrupted my baby's sleep schedule.  I went even though I was pregnant and nauseous and miserable.  I went and was encouraged, challenged, and I haven't stopped going.   The sweet fellowship, yummy treats, and sweet words from the Bible were what my soul was craving.  There were years that I didn't completely connect with everyone at my table, but I still went.  I still dug into the word each week, even when it was hard (and trust me, some weeks were harder than others). 

I know that every stage of motherhood is different. Some are easier than others.  There are days that I really miss the baby stage (and naps) because I felt like I got WAY more done than I currently do, now that I have one in school and one that I'm homeschooling.  But, don't let Satan feed you the lie that it's okay not to study the Bible during whatever stage of motherhood you are in.  My fear, is that if you do that now, it'll always be hard.  There will always be something stopping you from growing closer to God.  Satan doesn't want that.  He will do everything in his power to feed us lies. 

So, go. Get into the word.  Make it a habit.  Maybe even join a Bible Study.  Stop Satan from winning. 


  1. Thank you for sharing from your heart. This is something that every woman needs to hear, even those without children at home.

  2. This is a good reminder for me today. Earlier this evening I quit everything and just laughed in frustration as my kids alternated screaming while the other caught a breath. Thanks Jolie!

  3. This is a good reminder for me today. Earlier this evening I quit everything and just laughed in frustration as my kids alternated screaming while the other caught a breath. Thanks Jolie!


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