Friday, August 23, 2019

Some random Friday thoughts

Happy Friday!  I sat down to write a blog post several times this week and I was very easily distracted.  There's a lot of little things that are going on and it's keeping me fairly busy around here, but they are all great things.  So, I thought I would sit down, with a cup of coffee (of course!), and write some of my thoughts down. 

This summer was filled with a lot of adventure and a lot of quiet.  We rested and we wore ourselves out (in a good way) that by the time school started last week, the kids were both very ready to get back into a routine.  None of us really wanted to get up and get going (well, maybe Weston, he's our get up and get going kid).  And now, 2 weeks later, we are enjoying the last couple of weeks before the real busy sets in with sports for both boys, room parents obligations (apparently I'm room parenting for both classes), and leading a Bible Study.  I am so thankful for the quiet and rest that happened this summer, that I feel like I am ready and excited for what this school year has in store. 

The beginning of the school year is kind of like the beginning of the year.  I do well with setting goals for the school terms rather than a whole year.  There's something about the newness that comes with the start of school year.  It's exciting. My goals might be lofty and chances are I won't finish them all, but I am sure going to try.  Some might just take me all year, and that's okay.  

One of the things I am really praying about is this little space that I blog at.  It is my continuous hope and prayer that you are encouraged and maybe inspired by what you read.  I started writing and posting back when blogging was more of a thing and Ethan wasn't even crawling, and while I spend a lot of time over on instagram,  this blog is where I get to share more of my heart and expand on what I post.  I would love to grow this little space just a little bit more, and would love it if you would take the time to comment and share a blog post every now and then.  Maybe even pin something on to a board.  I've always been reluctant to ask, but if I want to grow this space, I need your help.  I have a long list of upcoming blog posts that will hopefully start kicking into full gear next week.  So, be on the lookout.  New posts are coming!  And thank you ahead of time, for taking just a few minutes out of your busy day to read my words and share them with your people.  I appreciate it so much!

The last thing I am going to leave you with is a little reminder that creating space for getting creative, is something that I believe is so vital to our mental health.  It's so easy to brush it off as extra things that don't matter or that you aren't good enough, but I just want to remind you how important it is to set aside a few minutes a day or week for something that brings you joy.  When you open the Bible, the very first verse, is "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  It goes on to say that God created man (and women) in His Image.  I am a firm believer that God wants us to be able to create.  We don't all get creative the same ways, because we are all also created uniquely.  Some of you may be better at things than others and that's great, too!  I have a sweet friend who learned how to watercolor and she is amazing at what she does.  I probably won't ever create something as beautiful as she has, but I know that isn't going to stop me from trying something new and feeling satisfied by brushing paint across a paper in an attempt to makes something beautiful.  So, don't let fear of failure stop you these next few months.  Give your mind a break and try something creative.  Use creating to give margin and life to your tired, overworked souls.  Try it with a friend and see what happens when you add laughter to the mix.  The effects of creating are so helpful for our weary souls. 

I remember being pregnant and being told that I wouldn't have time to create once my baby came.  It was even recommended that I just get rid of my stuff.  I am so thankful that I did not head their advice because those opportunities to be creative that first year of being a mom helped my very tired, very sore (post c-section), new mom find joy in the midst of sleepless nights and finding my groove as a stay at home mom.  I am very confident that scheduling in times where I can be creative is so beneficial to the way my mind works. 

So, as we start this school year, let's do it creatively and let's cheer each other on. 

Follow me on FB here and on instagram here to stay inspired and join the community so we can cheer each other on. 

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