We kind of sort of finished our STEM projects this week, so blog posts to come. We have to redo the one I was going to blog about this week, because it totally flopped. And that's okay. We learned not to settle for a similar ingredient when we couldn't find the right one. So, today, I want to take a few minutes to share some of my favorite things that keep me somewhat sane for the start of the school year and beyond.
1. Staying Organized.
2. Backpacks and Lunch Pails that don't bite the dust.

3. Bento Boxes.
We love these Easy Lunch Boxes so much! They are inexpensive and work great for giving my kids a balanced lunch that they need to give them all the energy and brain power to get through the craziness of the school day and their after school activities. I have several blog posts about it that I will link to at the bottom of this post.
4. Morning Routines are a Must.
I am a firm believer that if you give your kids clear expectations on what you want them to accomplish in the morning, then they will most often do it successful (I won't lie, they have their mornings when they don't want to do anything. . . they aren't perfect). They each have their own laminated version of this checklist clipped to the refrigerator with their own magnetic dry erase marker (black comes off best). This keeps them on task so this mommy can also get ready, 'cause I have my own issues with mornings! We also have a rule that it all has to be done by 8:00 so that we can walk out the door at 8:10 to get to school on time. If it isn't done, they don't get to watch TV in the afternoons. That kind of hurts. . . and motivates.
5. Love on your Child's Teacher.
I am not sure if I can express this enough, but your child's teacher needs all the love, support, and prayers that you can give them. They work their butts off preparing for your child and want them to succeed. It's definitely a partnership and it takes all of us to make successful children. I like to bring our kids teachers treats every now and then just to make their day. . . especially when it's a hard day or week. We bring cookies the first day because they need a little bit of sunshine. . . they've been working so hard to prep for our kids that they just need to know how much we appreciate them from the start. Also, pray for your teachers. Pray that they have wisdom to deal with the chaos and crazy of each day. I will put links at the bottom or printables.
And that's it. That's my 5 favorite things for back to school. I would love to hear what your favorite back to school things are, feel free to leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you! Enjoy your first week or your last week of vacation. Enjoy what ever moment you are in, whether finishing up the summer or starting the school year.
Here are some quick links:
Helpful hints for Back to School
Cookie Printable Gift Tag
Lunch Inspiration
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