I love my sewing machine. I may possibly be obsessed with fabric (ask my husband, he'll probably agree!). I love making things for baby. I found this pattern when Ethan was too old. In fact, I didn't even get my sewing machine until he was almost 4 months old. I have always wanted to make a snuggler for my baby, but never had the chance, so I knew when I found out I was pregnant with Weston, this was the one thing I was going to make. . . no matter how bad I felt.

So, on January 30th, I loaded Ethan in the car for a morning of walking around Riverpark and a trip to JoAnns in search of the perfect fabric. I was in need of medium weight fabric and all the local shops had "okay" selections, but they were just too feminine and I was not really wanting this project to cost over $40 (I needed 2 yards and each yard alone was about 20 bucks!). So, I went armed with my 50% off coupon in search. I found this amazing animal print that I just fell in love, and bought the last yard and a half because it was just that cool. I also bought some flannel that is blue with white polka dots. The pattern wanted me to have a microfleece for the inside, but in all seriousness. . . this is California. . . it's warm the majority of the year. Weston needed to be warm and snuggly, but not over-warm. When I got home and was preparing to wash it, I discovered an amazing discovery. . . the fabric is by Dwell Studios. Apparently, they make a line just for JoAnn's. I was so excited that I got my fabric for $5 a yard. . . and it matched some of the Dwell Target stuff that had been purchased when Ethan was a baby. I was so excited!!!!

Now, I mentioned the date earlier, because I had originally thought I had a month to make this thing (which didn't take long at all, by the way). But, Weston wanted to take a rain check on his special gift and makes his arrival 27 days early. So much for that plan. . . . (a lot of plans went out the window. . . I had a list. . . it literally got thrown away. . . ha ha ha).

Let me just say, that my sweet, precious little baby Weston looks so cozy in his snuggler. His hands are sticking out, but he LOVES it. He sleeps so well when he is swaddled, so this thing everywhere with us. I was able to get it done while both of my boys were sleeping. . . yes, I know, some of you might be saying. . . why wasn't I . . . because I know that as much as sleep in important, spending a little bit of time doing something for yourself is incredibly important for your sanity, too. I love to sew. . . I love fabric. . . this was really for me. I'm a happy mamma!
Way cute. The adorable baby "model" doesn't hurt any either.