Finally a sewing update! (I still have much to update you with, but will wait a little bit longer to post the rest of my creations). I made this diaper changing pad to go with the diaper pouch for Ethan. I absolutely loved the fabric (rabbits and race cars, by Heather Ross) and wanted to keep making things. Plus, I really wanted a diaper changing pad for our road trip out West. My diaper bag has one built in, but I am constantly sticking stuff in that "pocket" that there would be a ginormous explosion of "Stuff" from my diaper bag if I ever considered unzipping it! This pattern was so easy and came from Lotta Jansdotter's book,
Simple Sewing for Baby.
I really liked using it and it became very practical on our road trip with quick diaper changing stops in the car and using those yucky ones in the bathroom (I am sorry, i just can't stand using them unless it's my only option). Ethan also likes to take it apart and play with, so I guess it doubles as a new toy or blanket for Ethan.
I've never used crystallized ginger so this looks especially interesting. Thanks Julia