to my incredible husband!
Two weeks ago, we celebrated Jon's 30th birthday with a fantastic week of fun adventures! He took the week off and we headed to the snow, San Francisco, the zoo, and had a wonderful in-town treat at our favorite local french bakery! To end the celebration, we invited some of Jon's closest friends and family over for some "manly" Hors d'œuvres, cake and ice cream, and fun fellowship.
I made the above banner out of card stock and just printed out the letters with a font and colors that matched the paper plates I bought at Target. I whole punched them in the top corners and strung them through a white string. There just happened to be 2 nails already nailed in the perfect spots for this. Now, it is April 1st, I am planning on taking them down, de-stringing them, and filing them in my birthday file. Super easy way to store birthday party stuff.
Lastly, I had everyone (although I am missing them. . . hint to all you reading this), fill out a paper that had a picture of a random 3o on it, and write him a note either reminiscing a past event or writing words of encouragement to him. These were fun to read afterwards.
Because Jon doesn't like white colored, egg based foods, most appetizers he doesn't like. So, I made him a table full of manly foods. I made BBQ'ed meatballs, cressent wrapped lil' weiners, veggie tray, spinach dip (that was for me), mozzarella sticks, and chips and salsa. It was quite the feast!
I have so much fun doing birthday parties. I am already starting to get some ideas for Ethan's second. But, I have some time. So, until then, I am working on my house. Yeah, for painting!
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