Okay, so Father's Day is here. Family stuff is finished. . . it was a great day! Now we are home and relaxing until Ethan's bedtime (which is soon. . . he is so cranky) and then we are going to indulge in some high-end root beer floats (thanks to my husband who gave that as his one and only request for his special day. I know many of you may be thinking. . . "what are high-end root beer floats?" And I will explain: You see, my husband is what you would call a root beer snob. We don't go to Bev Mo to buy beer or wine, we go to purchase root beer. Tonight's indulgence will be with a nice cold bottle of Berghoff's. Other's of choice include Henry Weinhard, Virgil's, and this one.
For Father's Day, my friend Steph and I got together to work on some picture of our two kiddos for Father's Day. We found the 3-dimensional cardboard letters at Michael's for 99cents (a complete steal!), and painted them black with some spray paint that Steph had at her house. She was able to hide them secretly from her husband. After that, we got together and had a quick photo shoot with the kids which resulted in over 100 snapshots and a lot of chasing on a hot summer morning. We printed them out and I put mine in a picture frame from Aaron Brother's that had held 5 4x6 pictures in a row. So cool! My husband totally loved it! If you click on Steph it will take you to her blog, where you can see how she arranged hers. . . so cute, too!
I hope all the father's in your lives had a great day!
He's so great at taking pics! What a good kid. :o) I love this idea! I may "steal" it next year.