Summer is really here. I have been relishing in temperatures in the 80's and 90's and now it is projected to be 105 today. There is something not right about waking up at 7 and sweating when you step outside. Today my new oven arrived (again) and it is going to be installed in the morning. . . I am so excited! So ready to go and start baking again. Unfortunately, I didn't have my oven fixed before Father's Day, so I ventured down for a day in Lemoore and used my mom's oven. Ethan even helped mix the batter up!
I wanted to make sometime special for Father's day for Jon's family get together. Since a lot of the men golf in Jon's family, I got really excited when I saw some golf cupcakes. Plus, they looked super easy and fun to make.
1 box of cake mix of your choice (I used white, Jon's favorite)
cupcake liners
white frosting
green sanding sugar
scrapbook paper
double stick tape
graham cracker crumbs
candy pearls
Make cupcakes according to box directions. When making a white cake, I use the egg white version. When they are cooled, let them freeze in the freezer. This helps with the decorating them, but also help make them super moist. Not to mention, you can make them in advance so you are not spending the night before going crazy.
Pour green sanding sugar in a shallow bowl. Frost the tops of cupcakes with white frosting and dip into green sanding sugar. Make flags out of paper and tape to toothpics. Stick those into the cupcakes and place a candy pearl near it for the golf ball. Grind graham cracker crumbs super fine and make sand pits on half the cupcakes.
So very fun to eat!
Jon wanted us to put numbers on the flags so they could be like the 18 holes. They were delicious!
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