Monday, August 19, 2013

Back 2 School time

Well, we did it!  We made it through our first day of school. ever.  There were no tears, no melt downs. . . just a giddy excitement that made for a very fun, uneventful morning!  
I didn't cry.  I didn't think I would.  I have been waiting for this moment for awhile.  It's time for this boy to fly. . . and fly he will.  He didn't cry. . . I may have been secretly dissapointed that he would miss me (shhh. . . don't tell anyone).  We have spent the last 5 years preparing for the moment for our oldest to go to school.  This wasn't something I wasn't in a hurry for (trust me the years have gone by so quickly!), but I knew it had to come.  Our job as parents is to teach our children to become confident, independent little people, right?
We may have even celebrated ourselves this morning and gone out to breakfast with friends.  Yep, we survived and I am so excited to see what God has in store for this year and beyond.  It is so exciting to see how God is molding our children with their curious personalities and loving hearts!  It is my prayer that Ethan's joy is contagious and he makes friends and shares God's love with other kids at his school.
Awww. . I just love this kid!  So in honor of the first week of school, I will be blogging all week with some fun back to school things that are happening in our house.  So, the first thing is my first digital 1st day of school sign.  I made one for transitional kindergarten, but if you want a copy (free), I will change the date and grade for you.  Just message me your email and info.

I hope that wherever you are in the whole first week of school realm (i.e. started already, just starting, or still enjoying summer) that you are having a blessed week!

What's your favorite part of going back to school?

1 comment:

  1. SUPER cute pictures!! Upside down signs and chalk writing... just lovely!! My favorite part? Watching my children learn from me "Teacher Mommy" as they so love to call me during our school hours, lol.


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